Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thing 9: Slide deck, photos, presentations

I'm experimenting with different slide show tools; this one is from Animoto.

Here is a presentation by Scott Elias that I found on Slideshare; he demonstrates how to make a presentation that will not put your students to sleep. A few things that he discusses is that you must be passionate about your content, tell stories about the pictures on the screen, and don't fill the screen with text that your students must copy. There are many more tips that will help you avoid the common pitfalls that Powerpoint presenters make; one is that you should design your slide not decorate it; if you view his presentation you'll understand exactly his point. One of my personal peeves is when the presenter reads every word on the slide. I was at a workshop in which the presenter said, "I am not going to read the slides to you; I know you can read." She then proceeded to READ EVERY WORD on each slide; believe me, I was beyond annoyed, irritated - there are harsher words I could use but I'll be professional. To top off her condescending presentational manner she FINALLY got to the last slide; she was SO proud; it contained clip art animation of an arrow hitting a target WITH sound; she played it FIVE times. This was the intro to a mandated summer workshop; I wanted to run out of the room right then, but I decided to keep my job and stayed.

This is my first try with a slide application Smilebox. When you click to play, you are sent to their page, but I think there is a workaround for that.

Click to play Valentine
Create your own greeting - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox greeting


  1. Thanks! How did you get to Thing 9?!?

  2. I got carried away, but I'll be teaching Mon-Fri so I won't be able to do much.
